The One Where Magpie Turns 30.
So it’s May. Can we all agree to not know how this happened? Because I really seriously feel like the last two months somehow flew by in the span of a week. I’m not sure how. But I swear it did. Because it’s May. More than halfway through May, actually. And I’m super-duper not ready for it. Because in just a few days, I turn the big 3-0. Thirty. Yeaaaaa I don’t know how this happened so fast… Thirty years have seemingly passed in a fraction of the time… but I guess here we go? I mean, realistically I know that the day of my birthday isn’t going to feel…
So… Horizon Zero Dawn Feels Really Important.
So buckle up, birdies, because this post is going to be a little… all over the place. I don’t quite have my thoughts fully sorted on this matter, nor have I finished the game yet… but the bottom line is that Horizon Zero Dawn feels really important to me and I feel like I need to tell someone. As far as video games go, it’s pretty impressive for all the typical reasons games can be impressive. The visuals are beyond beautiful, the soundtrack is great, the battle mechanics are interesting and unique, the enemies are legitimately terror inducing, and even on the easiest difficultly level (because while I love video…