Bows and Arrows and Glitter, Oh My!
So, last thing I need is another new hobby, yea? I mean, I can barely keep up with the ones I already have. Last time I finished a knitting project was literally last year, my photo albums have been sitting neglected for months, my sketchbook is frighteningly bare – as are my nails, and all I ever do is bitch about how little time I have to pursue anything “for fun.” So yea. Last thing I need is yet another hobby to complain about not having time to do. Well, I wish someone would tell my brain that. Because I guess I’m an archer now. Whoops. How did this happen?…
Instagram Update
#currentlyreading #goodbook #archery #newhobbie #posttocome #plooper #chickennugget #wait #gooddog #hilde #puppyface #nerdcuddles #shesgettingsobig #autumn #NEPAlove (I know it’s continued to be quiet here. I’m finally starting to get a little bit ahead of things though, so as I polish up the next few posts, I figure let’s do a bit of a visual update featuring pictures from my personal Instagram that won’t make it to the blog account – now that I’ve finally remembered the password for it. I hope everyone has been well and I’m looking forward to getting back in the swing of things!)