Life,  School School School


Just a (very) quick update to let everyone know what I’ve been up to. This week I’ve been…

motivational penguin

…planning: for the semester! I’ve let myself get very caught up in course planning this past week. My schedule is a little different this semester – one of my courses is a longer class period than I’m used to, so I’ve got quite a lot of lecture shuffling and schedule adjusting to do on top of the usual revising I do every year.

…working on: a few more text-heavy posts for here. They always take me a little bit longer to write because of the obsessive compulsive drive to revise anything eight billion times. (I really should know better by now – one of my bad writing habits is that I often revise pieces to death, and they end up a bit worse for it. Been fighting this fight since college). I’ve got a few school-themed posts, and also a few book review posts in the works.

…feeling: Excited but the teeniest bit anxious for the impending start of the semester! The closer it creeps, the more butterflies I get in my stomach thinking about it – but it’s a good nervous. A rush that’s both exhilarating and a little scary. The kind of adrenaline spike that I always figured musicians who were actually meant to be musicians felt before a big performance. It’s how I know that teaching is really what I’m meant to do.

You guys up to anything exciting?

(Motivational Penguin GIF from Chibird on Tumblr – clicking will take you to her original post)

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  • Jenn

    I find that when I write and rewrite posts I end up hitting publish and then finding A MILLION errors and weird sentences. When I just write and post maybe my sister will call me with a spelling error here or there.. but that’s it. I’m totally guilty of letting myself over think something simple.

    • Magpiemakingdo

      Sammmmmeeeee here. I just can’t help myself. I’m BUILT for overthinking things. Overthinking things is what I do BEST. But it surrreee doesn’t help my writing. I really need to get better about it all, so it doesn’t take me three weeks to write a blog post!

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