• Life,  Links,  Lists,  Movies and TV,  Nerdery,  Pet Related Posts

    What’s Up, Wednesday?

    During the lull of the last few months I’ve been… … listening to: America’s Next Top Model. I can’t really say that I’ve been watching it, as it’s mostly just been on in the background as I work. I like seeing the results of the photo shoots, and there’s something about Tyra Banks that I just really like for whatever reason. I don’t really have words for why I like her so much, but I do. I know she’s got a reputation for being a little bit cuckoobird, but I love it. She just seems like she’s so unabashedly her, and I admire that. I imagine it’s far easier to…

  • Life

    (Sort of) Triumphant Return

    So with my last post, I made the reason for my absence clear – the fact that for a few months there I really felt like my life was out of control, in ways both small and large. A lot of stuff was going on all at once, and in the midst of it all, my anxiety issues simply got the better of me. But now, I feel like I’m getting things better handled, and I’m ready for my return to the blogosphere. Some of those big happenings you’ll hear about in the next couple weeks, some not so much, but for now let’s get the ball rolling with a…

  • Book Love,  Holidays,  Life

    What’s Up, Thursday?

    Because we’ve had a bunch of pre-scheduled posts in a row, I wanted to do a quick “currently” post yesterday (The title “What’s Up, Wednesday?” just sounds SO MUCH BETTER), but I kiiiinnnndddd of let yesterday get away from me. It all started when I started trying to find the text of the eyewitness testimony by John S. Smith about the Sand Creek Massacre to share with my students. Then before I realized it was happening, I found myself in the middle of a four hour primary document bender. Historian problems. Psh. But anyway, better late than never, I guess. Currently I’m… …working on: some book reviews for on here.…

  • Book Love,  Holidays,  Life,  Movies and TV,  School School School

    Monday Update

    It’s been a looonnnnggg but boring and busy few weeks, with minimal time for creating bloggy material and content happening in my life, so I figure it’s time for a quick update on what’s been keeping me occupied. I’m… …working on: grading research papers. I’ve got 105 five to seven page papers to work through. Even just looking at the stack is overwhelming. I have to keep reminding myself that it’s all for the greater good. And that the massive amounts of unpaid time I use notating and commenting on their writing will help them in the future because they’ll take what they learn from this experience and apply it…

  • Life

    Burnout… Already?

    I’m… …feeling: exhausted. Beyond exhausted. Utterly annihilated. My schedule is turning out to be a lot more brutal time-wise than I had expected it to be. I keep thinking to myself, “What’s the matter with me? I had this kind of 7 am to 10 pm schedule in high school, and it seemed so easy then!” I suppose everyone was right: it really does get harder the older you get. So anyway, that’s why it’s been a bit quiet. I’m hoping I’ll have adjusted a bit better by the time this coming week is over though. We’ll see. …working on: getting the apartment in order. What free time I have…

  • Life,  School School School


    Just a (very) quick update to let everyone know what I’ve been up to. This week I’ve been… …planning: for the semester! I’ve let myself get very caught up in course planning this past week. My schedule is a little different this semester – one of my courses is a longer class period than I’m used to, so I’ve got quite a lot of lecture shuffling and schedule adjusting to do on top of the usual revising I do every year. …working on: a few more text-heavy posts for here. They always take me a little bit longer to write because of the obsessive compulsive drive to revise anything eight…