
  • Life,  Lists

    2016 New Years Resolution Postmortem

    Another year, another set of goals not fully met. I know that sounds really pessimistic, but that’s just how these things go – I’m not a resolution maker who actually expects to fully complete each. Instead, I make resolutions with the goal of making progress, and using those goals, however unattainable, to improve myself or particular aspects of myself. So I never really expect to fully fulfill them. If I do? AWESOME. If not? Oh well – the real question is did I TRY? So let’s see how I did this year, shall we? 1) Learn Brush Calligraphy Success Level: High. I think I did pretty well on this one.…

  • Life,  Pet Related Posts,  Photography

    Meet Seiglinde.

    I’m a little late on this post, since we got her in June and she’s pretty much a full grown dog by now, but better late than never I suppose. So this is Seiglinde. Pronounced Zig-Lin-Deh. I call her Linde (Lindy) for short. My mom and I spent the entire hour and a half ride up and back from the breeder’s arguing about her name. Ultimately Mom won, since she’s her dog not mine. Seiglinde is Brunhilde’s half sister. They share a poodle father. They are both also characters in a Wagner opera – one of the Ring cycle shows. I don’t know which one. I never cared for Wager.…

  • Life,  Links,  Lists,  Movies and TV,  Nerdery,  Pet Related Posts

    What’s Up, Wednesday?

    During the lull of the last few months I’ve been… … listening to: America’s Next Top Model. I can’t really say that I’ve been watching it, as it’s mostly just been on in the background as I work. I like seeing the results of the photo shoots, and there’s something about Tyra Banks that I just really like for whatever reason. I don’t really have words for why I like her so much, but I do. I know she’s got a reputation for being a little bit cuckoobird, but I love it. She just seems like she’s so unabashedly her, and I admire that. I imagine it’s far easier to…

  • Life,  Magpie Runs

    On Anxiety, Motivation, and Feeling Comfortable In My Own Skin

    So, recently I realized I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. While I’m aware I’ll probably never ever ever be my high school and college weight of 120 lbs again (nor do I think I would I want to be – I feel like more of an adult with some curves on me and my frame just really isn’t built to be that tiny), and that even at my current weight I’d still be considered “thinnish” by national averages – the last year I have really ballooned in size to a point where I’m starting to feel uncomfortable in my own skin. It started last year when my anxiety got really…

  • Book Love,  Life,  Other Crafty Stuff

    2016 “Bullet Journal”

    Well here we are once again! New year, fresh start re: regular posting – a little later than expected due to internet connection issues we had all last week – but now that (hopefully) that’s resolved, it’s time for another installment of… Last year I gave an adapted version of Bullet Journaling a try, and it worked surprisingly well once I tweaked the system to suit my own needs – specifically, keeping the “Bullet” part pretty much completely confined to tasks and to-do lists. Bottom line is, for my life and for my line of work, the actual “bullet” part of the system for planning purposes? It totally doesn’t work…

  • Book Love,  Holidays,  Life,  Lists,  Pet Related Posts

    Happy New Year Everyone!

    Well, it’s that time again, blogosphere. It’s a new year. And of course, inevitably that means it’s RESOLUTION TIME. Yes. Once again, as I always do, I’m going to come up with a list of things I want to accomplish/work at in 2016. I haven’t been terribly successful with this kind of goal making in the past, and last year was no different (I’ll have a post next week assessing my successes and not-so-successes from 2015), but I don’t really feel like that’s a huge problem. My general attitude about these things is that it doesn’t hurt to try. I’m a big believer in the process – the idea that…

  • Archery,  History Love,  Life

    Bows and Arrows and Glitter, Oh My!

    So, last thing I need is another new hobby, yea? I mean, I can barely keep up with the ones I already have. Last time I finished a knitting project was literally last year, my photo albums have been sitting neglected for months, my sketchbook is frighteningly bare – as are my nails, and all I ever do is bitch about how little time I have to pursue anything “for fun.” So yea. Last thing I need is yet another hobby to complain about not having time to do. Well, I wish someone would tell my brain that. Because I guess I’m an archer now. Whoops. How did this happen?…

  • Book Love,  Life,  Pet Related Posts,  Photography

    Instagram Update

    #currentlyreading #goodbook #archery #newhobbie #posttocome #plooper #chickennugget #wait #gooddog #hilde #puppyface #nerdcuddles #shesgettingsobig #autumn #NEPAlove (I know it’s continued to be quiet here. I’m finally starting to get a little bit ahead of things though, so as I polish up the next few posts, I figure let’s do a bit of a visual update featuring pictures from my personal Instagram that won’t make it to the blog account – now that I’ve finally remembered the password for it. I hope everyone has been well and I’m looking forward to getting back in the swing of things!)

  • Life,  Pet Related Posts

    Meet Hilde

    Blog? Meet Brunhilde. She’s my parent’s new puppy. And she’s awesome. She’s a little bit bold, a little bit clumsy, and all daredevil. Hilde had a rather rough introduction into our lives. Within three hours of bringing her home, she was already adapting well – running around with that excited bliss that only puppies really have. But then she tried to superman dive towards a toy, landed wrong, and immediately started screeeeaaammmmmiiinnnggggg. Turns out clumsy-girly-dog had landed on her elbow and broke the little nub on it. So Brunhilde, in the span of three hours, had her first car ride, met her new family and sister dog, explored her new…

  • Life

    (Sort of) Triumphant Return

    So with my last post, I made the reason for my absence clear – the fact that for a few months there I really felt like my life was out of control, in ways both small and large. A lot of stuff was going on all at once, and in the midst of it all, my anxiety issues simply got the better of me. But now, I feel like I’m getting things better handled, and I’m ready for my return to the blogosphere. Some of those big happenings you’ll hear about in the next couple weeks, some not so much, but for now let’s get the ball rolling with a…