• Life,  Lists,  Making Do

    My 2017 Goals

    So it’s January, and of course, that means it’s resolution time. I’ve spent a lot of time these last two weeks really putting thought into what this year’s goals should be, because I feel like I’m very much at a crossroads of sorts. I’m turning the big 3-0 this May, and there’s a lot of things in my life that I feel like I need to address before I cross officially into the realm of “Thirty-something.” The resulting list is a lot more conceptual than my goals have been in the past. More overall lifestyle changes than specific, quantifiable goals. And while that made coming up with photos to break…

  • Book Love,  History Love,  Magpie Reviews

    Book Review – Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War by Mary Roach

    Can I just tell you how much I love Mary Roach? Because I love Mary Roach. I bought her newest book Grunt: The Curious Science of Humans at War a few months back as a father’s day present for my dad. My dad an I share a common interest in military history, and this seemed like it would be right up his alley as well – seeing as how he is also a scientist. I’ve read a few of Roach’s books in the past (Stiff was particularly fascinating), and I knew I too would love this book. My original intent was to wait until it came out in paperback to…

  • Life,  Lists

    2016 New Years Resolution Postmortem

    Another year, another set of goals not fully met. I know that sounds really pessimistic, but that’s just how these things go – I’m not a resolution maker who actually expects to fully complete each. Instead, I make resolutions with the goal of making progress, and using those goals, however unattainable, to improve myself or particular aspects of myself. So I never really expect to fully fulfill them. If I do? AWESOME. If not? Oh well – the real question is did I TRY? So let’s see how I did this year, shall we? 1) Learn Brush Calligraphy Success Level: High. I think I did pretty well on this one.…

  • Knitting and Crochet,  Lists

    Six Last Minute Knitted (and Crocheted) Gift Patterns

    It’s that time of year again! Gift giving season! I figured that this would be a perfect time to post a compilation of a few of my favorite, tried and tested fast knitting patterns – you know, in case anyone needs to procure a thoughtful, hand-knit gift in the span of a mere afternoon. All photos are taken from the Ravelry Pattern page, and link back to the original source. 1) Fern Lace Cowl by Jami Brynildson – I’ve made several of these over the years – it’s a quick knit that’s interesting enough to keep you entertained without being too brainpower intensive, allowing you to easily pump this project…

  • Life,  Pet Related Posts,  Photography

    Meet Seiglinde.

    I’m a little late on this post, since we got her in June and she’s pretty much a full grown dog by now, but better late than never I suppose. So this is Seiglinde. Pronounced Zig-Lin-Deh. I call her Linde (Lindy) for short. My mom and I spent the entire hour and a half ride up and back from the breeder’s arguing about her name. Ultimately Mom won, since she’s her dog not mine. Seiglinde is Brunhilde’s half sister. They share a poodle father. They are both also characters in a Wagner opera – one of the Ring cycle shows. I don’t know which one. I never cared for Wager.…

  • Book Love,  Magpie Reviews,  Nerdery,  Purchases

    Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Review

    So look what I bought and read yesterday! Warning: Spoilers, ahoy – so scroll no further if you haven’t read it yet and don’t wish to be spoiled (although they will be on the mild side). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Okay, so last warning, seriously, there be spoilers ahead… . . . . . Alright. So. I kind of really liked it, and I wasn’t really expecting to. Let me explain. I was kind of disappointed when they announced it was simply going to be a release of the play script instead of a novelization but frankly I wasn’t…

  • Life,  Links,  Lists,  Movies and TV,  Nerdery,  Pet Related Posts

    What’s Up, Wednesday?

    During the lull of the last few months I’ve been… … listening to: America’s Next Top Model. I can’t really say that I’ve been watching it, as it’s mostly just been on in the background as I work. I like seeing the results of the photo shoots, and there’s something about Tyra Banks that I just really like for whatever reason. I don’t really have words for why I like her so much, but I do. I know she’s got a reputation for being a little bit cuckoobird, but I love it. She just seems like she’s so unabashedly her, and I admire that. I imagine it’s far easier to…

  • Uncategorized

    Still Here.

    So, I’m still here. Yup, still here. Been quiet lately. Still got major anxiety issues. Still heavier than ever. But I’m still here. Making my way out of the hole of anxiety, inactivity, and stress induced physical illness. Slowly. Very slowly. But surely. This spring has been just hit after hit after hit. Just as I would feel like I was making progress, something else would happen. Another crisis. Another panic. Sometimes of my own making. Sometimes 100% out of my control. I still haven’t figured out which is worse. But I am resilient. I am strong. I will get there. I am still here. And that’s what’s important.

  • Life,  Magpie Runs

    On Anxiety, Motivation, and Feeling Comfortable In My Own Skin

    So, recently I realized I’m the heaviest I’ve ever been. While I’m aware I’ll probably never ever ever be my high school and college weight of 120 lbs again (nor do I think I would I want to be – I feel like more of an adult with some curves on me and my frame just really isn’t built to be that tiny), and that even at my current weight I’d still be considered “thinnish” by national averages – the last year I have really ballooned in size to a point where I’m starting to feel uncomfortable in my own skin. It started last year when my anxiety got really…

  • Knitting and Crochet

    Operation: Finish the Afghan

    So I have this afghan. It’s been half-done since somewhere around 2008. Maybe 2009. I started it as a graduation gift for my college roommate, but as it continued to linger and linger and linger, and as years and years passed since both of our graduations that original purpose became moot. And now it’s 2015. I’m three years away from a 10 year college reunion (which I will probably not go to, since I didn’t know anyone I graduated with – I graduated a year early). And still the afghan remains. Unfinished. Languishing in a green milk-style storage carton behind our couch. The time has come. It’s time to be…