Baking and Cooking,  Recipes

One Pot Zucchini Mushroom Pasta


So, idk about you but for the last few months I’ve been seeing these one-pot pasta recipes popping up everywhere. First they were on Pinterest, and then they migrated into facebook, and now I literally cannot seem to escape them.

So, I guess here I am. Trying my first one-pot pasta recipe.

I decided to give it a first shot using this One Pot Zucchini Mushroom Pasta from Damn Delicious. Honestly there’s no real reason why I chose this first. I found it on Pinterest and the pictures looked tasty.

I’m kind of an easy sell.

Prep was as easy as promised by the “one pot” moniker – You just chop everything up and throw it all in.

before stirring

I would recommend putting in the pasta close to the beginning instead of waiting for the end. I was hoping to get one of those artsy “Everything piled separately in the pot” photos, and while it looks okay – it was kind of hard to ensure the pasta was completely covered in the liquid once I poured that in because I guess uncooked pasta is hard to stir.

Who would have thought.

All in the pot

Anyway… I did make a few alterations as I went… because it wouldn’t be me if I actually followed the recipe to the letter.

I am good at many things. Making a recipe as written is not one of them.

So for starters, I threw in some vegetable stock instead of water (I used Better Than Bouillon to make the stock) hoping that this meant I could avoid salting it and also bypass the heavy cream so that it would be better for reheating. Idk about you, but I feel like cream sauces never quite taste right after they’ve been reheated.

I also left out the peas. Not for any particular reason. I just forgot them.

The result was nice and tasty, and of course, most importantly – quick and easy. The alterations worked just as I had hoped they would – although I will say that maybe I’d add less bouillon to the stock next time… I eyeballed it, and it turned out to almost be a little too salty for my tastes.

The only other thing is that this recipe makes a LOT of food. I’ll be eating this for days. So it’s probably best made if you’re cooking for at least two people instead of one.

one pot pasta

But overall, I’d call this recipe a success.

Have you cooked anything good lately?

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